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Showing posts from January, 2021

Jesus over Politics

I wasn’t sure I was going to comment about the recent events in our nation. I have started so many blogs about the dissension in our country, but never finished. Felt lost for words.    Where are we?   Who are we?   What I am about to say may make some people unfollow me or angry.  But, if it does upset you enough to do that, I would like you to take a minute and question why.  If you are offended...does it mean I hit a cord?   Over the past year I have simply watched kind, loving christian people turn their faith into their political party.  I may have been guilty of this myself.  Politics has gone from something that people can disagree on to something that defines a person.       And before you try to stop me and say “well wait, maybe you don’t understand or know about this,” I have taught government for the past several years.  I understand the government and work really hard to know the facts, so that I can teach my students in a completely unbiased fashion.  I pride myself on the