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Showing posts from February, 2021

How Valentine's Day has changed

  Our first Valentine’s Day together was sweet. Ten years ago now.  It seems like a lifetime ago. We had a romantic dinner and cute, little, thoughtful gifts for each other.  I still remember picking each individual gift and writing a note to go with each one.  It was all about the two of us and our new and exciting love. The next few years we started this tradition of making dinner at home together.  But it was a pretty elaborate dinner.  There were always gifts and making a pretty big deal about spending the day together.  He was busy trying to make up for all the crappy past Valentine’s Days I had with old boyfriends and I was trying to spoil him.   Things have really changed.  The past several years, I can honestly not remember what either of us has gotten from the other.  I think we haven’t done presents for some years.  We definitely didn’t this year.  Well, actually I told Jay that he got me a Starbucks coffee today...