As a mom we know that when we are sick the world doesn't stop. Kids still need fed, bathed, diapers changed. The list goes on and on. Illness can either draw you closer to God or pull you farther apart. Even with really good doctors, sometimes the road to a diagnosis and recovery can be a long winding road full of struggle. The weekend before I went back to work from maternity leave I got food poisoning. It's awful, but typically it only lasts 24-48 hours. But after 48 hours I was still not recovering. Though the vomiting had stopped, I was still getting sick multiple times a day. After a week, I reached out to my doctor. First thought-C.diff. Nope, not c.diff. More tests. More antibiotics. More tests. No answers. After weeks, still sick without any reprieve. Next comes the specialist who gives more tests. It is determined that I do in fact have c.diff at this point but there is something else going o...