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Showing posts from August, 2020

Mama Needs a Break

  Sometimes, I need a break.  Not like a Ross and Rachel, circa 1997, type break, but a break nonetheless.   A break from just...everything.  That sounds terrible, right?  Especially from a mom.  I am sure to some it sounds selfish.  But right now life seems crazy and even overwhelming at times.   Recently, I have started to truly reflect on why that is.  I have a good life.  I am so thankful for my blessings.  I adore my children.  I have a wonderful husband.  So, why am I feeling this way?  Why am I so exhausted? Why do I have a desire to disappear and go off the radar for a day or two?  And there were some obvious answers that came to mind. I’m typically overextended. I don’t get enough sleep. My diet and exercise routine has been less than stellar lately. I want to help others in need so I rarely say no.  Actually, I feel guilty saying no.  I have three energetic kids.I am basically trying...

Back to School: Confusion 2020

Tightness.  Fast heart rate.  Rapid breathing.  That all too familiar feeling of anxiety.  Over the past few weeks it comes on, out of nowhere, every time I think about the fall.  Every...time. As a mom and a teacher I have a million mixed up feelings, thoughts, concerns racing through my mind.  First, I miss my students. I miss engaging with high school students.  I miss the school atmosphere.  I miss my co-workers.   I miss the smell of my building, which is quite odd because it doesn't really smell all that great.  I just miss being there.  I love my job. But part of me is afraid. Afraid to go back.  Afraid for my co-workers, my students, myself.  That part of me is growing every day.   Second, I am a mom.  My kids miss school.  They can't wait to go back.  They talk about it all the time.  At dinner the other night my almost 6 year old asked me how she will clean the toys after she plays w...

Forgiveness Series: Throwing out the Rule Book

In my house we are trying very hard to eliminate the word “punishment” from our vocabulary.  There is discipline, not punishment.  The Lord disciplines his children.  And we discipline ours. I once heard a podcast and the speaker said “If your children don’t learn to be obedient to you, how will they be obedient to God?”   Obedience. People don’t like the word “obedience.”  After all, as Americans we are so focused on freedoms that we dislike the idea of being obedient.  We feel it infringes on our lives and our rights. But, obedience is required.   Following rules and laws is a form of obedience. Obedience isn't a bad word. We follow the laws.  Why?  Because there are consequences if we don't.   And in life there are consequences for our actions.  They can be positive or negative.  But there are consequences.  Recently, I broke another “rule” of parenting.   I am not supposed to let my child ...