The highlight reels. It’s typically what we share. Look at these pictures. Looks like pure fun. The enjoyment on their faces. All 3 girls quietly and happily painting. Focused on their art project. But this picturesque scene lasted maybe 3 minutes. Rocks are a big deal around here. I don’t get it but every load of laundry I do I find a rock in someone’s pocket. They refer to them as “the collection.” Painting them is one of their favorite warm weather activities. They are intent on creating a rock garden. Since the weather has improved, painting them has been of high priority. But with the chaos of last week, it just wasn’t going to happen. So, I promised them we would this week and today seemed like the perfect day. I set everything up outside. I even brought out washable finger paints for Addy so she could participate. And as everyone started painting I took some quick pictures of their fun. But here is what you don’t see: It was windy. Elly spilled the water cup multiple times....