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My Middle Child

I find myself mesmerized as I gaze at her sweet face as she snuggles into bed. Hair is a mess and her pjs probably don’t match.   Might even be on backwards, inside out or both.   She has a style all her own.   My middle child.   Did I plan her?   Nope.   Had I followed my plan, I would have missed out on the gift of being her mother.   Lucky for me, God had a different plan.   After I had my first child, I WAS DONE.   To say my pregnancy was challenging is an understatement.   And pregnancy was easy in comparison to my delivery.   Without providing the terrifying details and risking traumatizing new moms to be, I will simply say there was nothing typical about it.   It wasn’t so much that I didn’t want more children, as much as I didn’t want to go through any of that again.   So, I had successfully convinced myself that one child was all I was going to have. Right before Ellyana’s first birthday my hubby approached the subject of another baby.   I kindly humored him and told him

Salt and Light

Across the US, panic has been unfolding.   The Holy Spirit has been placing this on my heart and a fter the sermon yesterday, I was certain my direction for my blog this week had changed.    Americans seem to be falling into two groups: toilet paper hoarders and indifferent individuals.   As Christians, these moments can test our faith. I have been asked how I am so calm right now.   My calmness  has lead me to even be accused of not taking this pandemic seriously.   (Which, I assure you is absolutely not the case.)  I'm calm because I truly believe that God had a plan for my life before I breathed my first breath, part of that plan also includes when it will all be over.   As Christians we are not supposed to be a people of fear.   2 Timothy 1:7 Tells us that God has given us a spirit not of fear, but of power, love and self-control.   Because of this, I refuse live in a state of panic right now.   God is in control.   Now, let’s be completely  clear;  I am NO